If you intend to carry out major building works such as redeveloping your property on JTC land, you need to seek our consent and obtain clearance from the relevant authorities. From 1 April 2022, Solar Deployment will be mandatory if the available contiguous area of the roof of the newly redeveloped building is at least 800 sqm and the site has at least 15 years of remaining lease term or more. 

Step 1: Engage us for a pre-consultation

Before you engage a Qualified Person (QP), you are required to do a pre-consultation with your JTC Customer Engagement Officer. To find out who your customer engagement officer is, please contact us.

This pre-consultation allows us to understand your proposal, and convey our requirements to you, including:

  • The minimum plot ratio that has to be met
  • The Green Mark rating you need to maintain (if you are redeveloping your land after renewing your lease)
  • Our Urban Design Guidelines (UDG) requirements
  • From 1 April 2022, Solar Deployment will be mandatory if the site has at least 800 sqm of available contiguous roof area and a lease period (remaining and renewed) of 15 years or more

Before submitting an application to redevelop your land, please ensure that you fulfil the following criteria:

  • There is no breach of the terms and conditions under the contract between yourself and JTC
  • You do not owe us any arrears
Step 2: Engage a Qualified Person (QP)

For any proposed development or redevelopment, a QP will assist you to obtain the necessary approvals from relevant regulatory authorities required for the design and construction of your building.

Step 3: Apply for plan consent

After completing your pre-consultation, your QP should incorporate our requirements and those of all relevant authorities into the plan submission and seek our plan consent.

Find out how to submit the plan consent application here. 

Step 4: Obtain necessary approvals from the relevant authorities

After we have issued the plan consent letter to you, your appointed QP should obtain the necessary approvals from the relevant authorities before starting any building works.

Step 5: Submit documents after your redevelopment is completed

Upon issuance of the Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) from the Commissioner of Building Control (Building and Construction Authority), you or your appointed QP must submit the documents/drawings as requested in our plan consent letter through Construction and Real Estate Network (CORENET) within 14 working days.