Introduction to plan consent (qualified person submission)
Qualified Person (QP) submissions are submissions made where the applicant is a registered architect or engineer.
To carry out development or renovation works (e.g. new erection, additions & alterations, amendment to approved works) on land and buildings on JTC land, you must obtain JTC's consent for the proposed works. These proposed works must adhere to JTC's and other authorities' regulatory requirements and guidelines. You may also be required to obtain approval from other authorities when relevant. If QP's endorsement is required by the authorities for your project, your submission must be made by a QP.
Submission requirements
Forms | |
Cover letter |
Provide a summary of your proposed development. You can include explanations or information to support your proposal. |
Application for assumption of liability form |
If the proposal involves an increase in GFA beyond the development baseline for which LBC is payable or a change from lower value use to higher value use, the Application for Assumption of Liability form and Letter of Consent shall be submitted for subsequent assessment by the relevant authorities. Please refer to SLA’s Land Betterment Charge (LBC) Act for more details. |
Letter of consent | |
Authorisation letter from JTC’s tenant/lessee (when the proposed works are not commissioned by JTC’s tenant/lessee) | The authorization letter from Lessee/Tenant Company Name shall be:
Self-declaration form | The self-declaration form "JTC_LPD_SD.XDFX" can be downloaded from Electronic Submission for Professionals (ESPro), navigate to "Form Templates", select "JTC", select "Plan Consent". Please keep this form saved in XFDX format. |
Letter of declaration for plan consent (SD-LD) form |
Letter of declaration for QP to submit for plan consent on the lessee/tenant's behalf. To be stamped and signed by the lessee/tenant. |
URA EDA form |
To be included only when making Lodgment submissions for
Download URA’s electronic planning application form EDA form and prepare an EDF file format of the form for submission. Note: Projects that do not require URA’s Planning Permission but still require JTC landowner’s consent should not be lodged (e.g. electrical and M&E works). You will still be required to seek the necessary approvals as required by the relevant authorities. |
URA authorisation to submit development application letter | |
Clearance from Free Trade Zone Operator (FTZO) | For proposals that involve installation of structures or storage of dangerous goods (DG) at Airport Logistic Park (ALPS). Please email FTZO at to obtain clearance. |
Drawings |
Proposal drawings to be submitted |
Guidelines for space/land submissions
Space submissions
This refers to submissions for units within Multi-User Factory (MUF) developments on JTC land.

- Proposals where JTC’s consent is not required can be found in List A of the Space Submission Handbook. For cases where JTC landowner’s consent is not required, you will be required to seek the necessary approvals as required by the relevant authorities (e.g. SCDF).
- Please refer to List B & List C of the Space Submission Handbook to determine if QP endorsement is required for the scope of works.
- Please refer to List D of the Space Submission Handbook for buildings with Performance Based Design and List E for Buildings with Green Building Obligations.
For proposals that require fitting out and renovation works, please click here for the process to follow.
Land submissions
This refers to submissions for industrial land, including land with JTC Single-User Factory (SUF), Standard Factory and Terraced Workshop Factory developments.

Not all proposals require JTC's consent. For proposals that do not require JTC's consent, please see Annex A and remember to seek the necessary approvals as required by the relevant authorities (e.g. SCDF).
Lodgment/enterprise district lodgment submissions
Plan lodgment
The Plan Lodgment Scheme allows the development works to be lodged or registered with URA. It will be considered authorised without further need to apply to URA for planning permission if the works satisfy certain criteria.
Please refer to URA’s Plan Lodgement website on eligibility and lodgement criteria.
Enterprise district lodgment
Submissions within the Enterprise Districts (ED) have a different process. Please click here to see if your proposal falls within the locations of the EDs.
All proposals within the ED should be lodged unless:
- The proposal does not meet the ED lodgment requirements. For more information on the ED lodgment requirements, please refer to the Enterprise District Lodgment Conditions.
- The submission involves Factory Converted Dormitory (FCD) proposal. Please make a separate submission for the FCD under non-lodgment.
Note: For proposals within the EDs, please pre-consult your Customer Engagement Officer before submitting the proposal to JTC. To find out who your customer engagement officer is, please contact us.
Proposals involving specific works
To find out more about conversion to workers' dormitories, please click here.
Please refer to the Guide for Submission involving Dormitory to guide you on the requirements of the dormitory submission.
Diesel and petroleum & flammable material (P&FM) storage / health & safety
Please refer to the Guide for Submission involving Diesel and P&FM Storage to guide you on the requirements of the diesel and P&FM storage submission.
Solar deployment
To find out more about installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, please click here.
- In your submission, please include the autoCAD drawings (.DWG) of the PV and Lightning Protection System (LPS) layout plans.
- In the drawings, please show the PV elevation and section with details in relation to the building. Please also show the highest existing and proposed platform/floor level (i.e. Singapore Height Datum).
- PV Layout (to reflect the shape / area of the proposal) should be provided on the Site Plan.
- On the Site Plan, please reflect the PV Attributes table with the following information:
Size of solar panel_mm |
Depth of solar panel_mm |
Installation angle _deg |
No. of panels |
PV_Capacity_DC_kWp |
PV_Capacity_AC_kWac |
Total weight_kg |
Area Occupied_sqm |
Electric vehicles (EV) chargers deployment
If you are keen to deploy EV chargers within your leased/tenanted premises, please consult your JTC Customer Engagement Officer to seek approval for deployment.
Setting out survey requirement for proposed development involving subterranean/airspace/foreshore alienation
If the proposal involves construction of subterranean (e.g. underground passage way) /airspace (e.g. overhead bridge)/foreshore structures (e.g. jetty, wharf, dolphin) outside the allocated land plot, setting out survey plan needs to be submitted. For more information, please refer to Setting out survey requirement for airspace & subterranean alienation and Setting out survey requirement for foreshore alienation.