Tankfully Fresh: 4 tips on how SMEs can use social media effectively
21 Aug 2020 Written by JTC
Bringing your business on social media can increase the number of customers and sales. Learn how Tankfully Fresh successfully went from wet market to online market!

1. Go beyond Facebook on social media

Tankfully Fresh's easy-to-use website

On social media, it's important to stand out from the sea of content. Tankfully Fresh created an easy-to-navigate website, and posts regularly on all top four social media channels in Singapore — Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and (soon to come) YouTube. This move has allowed them to reach out to more customers.

Keep the user experience in mind when building your website. An easy-to-use website keeps customers coming back.

2. Try new features and tools

Tankfully Fresh's Facebook Live session

Social media is constantly updated with new features. Be open to trying out different tools and features to see what works for your business.

Tankfully Fresh tried out Facebook Live videos to broadcast promotions and giveaways, and uses Instagram Stories to share customers’ reviews. This has helped increase website traffic by threefold!

Explore the unique features on each social media platform. Facebook Live and Instagram Stories are popular formats.

3. Post new content regularly

Product tips & recipes on Tankfully Fresh's Instagram

Maintaining regular communications with your customers offline is no different from those on social media. Post regularly to build customer loyalty and retain your customers' interest.

Tankfully Fresh keeps their customers coming back with Facebook Live sessions four times a week, while posting on Facebook and Instagram up to six times a week — these include product updates, promotions and even cooking tips and recipes!

Think through what content would appeal to your customers.

4. Create attractive visuals

Eye-catching visuals by Tankfully Fresh

Beauty sells — it doesn’t matter if you are selling branded bags or fish. To catch your customers’ attention, reel them in with attractive visuals. For Tankfully Fresh, this meant capturing carefully planned and neat shots of their freshest catch, drawing in a visually-driven social media generation.

Eye-catching visuals increase engagement and stop customers from simply scrolling past your post.


Social media is a powerful way to build your business and create new channels for sales, but it'll take time and some experimenting to find your feet. As Jimmy Goh, second-gen owner of Tankfully Fresh, says, "To succeed on social media, it’s all about trying and building your knowledge along the way. Don’t expect overnight success, and don’t be afraid to ask for help!"